Do you have a documented disability that may or does interfere with your college education?
If so, please do the following: Students are requested to contact Student Accessibility Services and schedule an appointment once they have been accepted to YCCC and plan to attend.
Contact Information
Office Hours
By appointment
Transitioning from High School to College
The transition from high school to college can present changes and challenges for all students. Students with disabilities may find those challenges especially overwhelming. The responsibilities of college are significantly different from those of public school districts, which often can make the transition from high school to college-level difficult but not if you understand from the start what types of accommodations are available at the college level.
Accommodation Inquiries and Requests
Students can disclose their disability to the Office of Student Accessibility Services at any time while enrolled at York County Community College, from the time they submit their application to any point throughout the semester. It is each student’s responsibility to contact the Student Accessibility Services, as soon as possible, to arrange for reasonable accommodations.
If you wish to request accommodations, please:
- Complete and submit the Accommodations Request/Inquiry Form
- Provide documentation.*
- Work with the Coordinator for Student Accessibility Services to design appropriate and reasonable accommodations.
- Accommodations will be considered on a case-by-case basis, taking into account course requirements and the nature and severity of the disability.
*Documentation should include:
¨ Name, credentials and contact information of the evaluator/provider
¨ Diagnostic criteria, testing results, symptoms
¨ A description of how the disability impacts student’s ability to access learning, programs and activities at YCCC
Examples of documentation:
¨ Neuropsychological/Psychoeducational testing and report; Statement from psychiatrist, nurse practitioner, physician, physical therapist, occupational therapist speech therapist or other qualified clinical professional involved in student’s care; IEP or 504 plan from High School
Accommodations Request/Inquiry Form
Please note: Accommodations are not retroactive and can take up to two weeks to process; they will begin only after a student has completed the steps necessary for approval.
YCCC is committed to providing equal educational opportunities and access for individuals with disabilities. In conjunction with the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) and Section 504, the college accepts and provides reasonable accommodations for qualified students with disabilities.